Marc Leroy's profile

Marc Leroy's Profile



Marc Leroy establishes the individual consultance company Space4Dev in 2019. Its goal is to support joint European – African projects of public and private actors in the field of space applications. His main Customers since then have been the Pixstart, BRLi and HYGEOS companies and Cnes, the French Space Agency.


This move is relying on 34 years of experience as an engineer in Cnes , from 1985 to 2018. 

From 2001 to 2018, he devotes himself to the direction of multi-partner projects of development of geoinformation services using space data at national, european and african levels. He enters the public interest group Medias-France in 2001 and leads there the precursor project of the French Land data center Theia . He also coordinates there the European project Geoland, precursor of the Copernicus Land satellite service of the European Union. From 2009 to 2011, he is detached in Ird , which missions him at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa as technical director of the AMESD project (African Monitoring of Environment for Sustainable Development using space data). He comes back to Cnes in 2012 to be the technical director of Theia, and becomes in 2016 expert on space applications, with the mandate to promote the use of space technologies at international level, in particular in Africa.

From 1985 to 2000, he works at Cnes and Cesbio as an academic researcher and as an engineer on problems of physics of the measurement of the optical signal of satellites of Earth Observation. 

He is a Researcher in plasma physics on the structure of the Earth's bow shock, both at University of Maryland and Observatoire de Paris from 1980 to 1984.

Marc Leroy is a former student of Ecole Normale Supérieure (St-Cloud) in Physics, and has obtained a PHD at Paris VII University in 1980 in the field of radiatively driven stellar winds. 


 1975 : Admission to Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, section Physics 

1977 : Master in Physics at Université Paris-Orsay

1980 : PHD in Physics on Radiatively driven stellar winds at Observatoire de Paris-Meudon and Université Paris VII

Experience in developing countries

Main experience

2009 - 2011 - Technical Manager of the AMESD project, based at the African Union Commission at Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). Frequent visits to the AMESD regional centers, in Niger, Botswana, Kenya, RDC, Maurice -



  • April 1988 - Brazil - Trainer at Saõ José dos Campos (INPE)
  • March 1993 - Algeria - Field campaign in Sahara for the calibration of space sensors
  • Sept. 2002 - Niger - Cooperation with Agryhmet
  • Jan. 2015 - Several West African and IOC countries - Short Term Expertise for the MESA project on National Remote Sensing Network
  • 2019 - Commercial prospection for Pixstart in Algeria, Senegal, Mali, and Cameroon 
  • 2022 : Field study for BRLi in Cambodia


Professional experience

2019 - 2023  Space4Dev, Space Applications Expert

Consultancy work for
BRLi and Afrique Telecom.

Support to Pixstart : development of commercial activities in Africa.

Support to CNES for the coordination of the European FPCUP Working Group Africa.

Support to HYGEOS for the commercialization of its solar resource estimate service.

2016 - 2018  Toulouse, CNES, Space Applications Expert

Promotion of the use of space data, by supporting pilot services in developing countries.
Launch of pilot activities in Ethiopia, Gabon, Sénégal, Côte d’Ivoire, Ouganda.
Negotiation of an agreement between CNES and AFD.
2012 - 2015, Toulouse, CNES, THEIA Technical Director

Technical direction of the THEIA Land Data Centre (, gathering 11 French public institutions.
Co-initiation of the Spot World Heritage programme.
2009 - 2011, Addis Ababa, IRD / African Union Commission, AMESD Technical Manager

Secondment from CNES at IRD; appointed as AMESD Technical & Developmental Management Officer at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, in a Technical Assistance team built by a Thales – IRD – BRL – ITA consortium.
Supervision of the development of geoinformation services in the 5 Regional Implementation Centres (RICs) in Niamey, Kinshasa, Nairobi, Gaborone and Maurice. 
2001 - 2008, Toulouse, Medias-France, Head, POSTEL Land surface data center

Secondment by CNES at Medias-France (“Public Interest Group” CNES – CNRS – IRD – Météo-France – Université – CLS – Spot Image).
Responsability for the development of POSTEL, a precursor of THEIA
Management of the POSTEL team (8 staff).
2002 - 2008, Toulouse, Medias-France, GEOLAND Co-coordinator

(GEOLAND (-1 and -2) has been the precursor project establishing the European Copernicus Core Service “Land”).
Co-Coordination of the FP6 / GEOLAND project (15 M€, 55 partners), Infoterra GmbH taking the role of Coordinator. Co-coordination of the preparation of the GMES / FP7 / GEOLAND2 project (35 M€, 50 partners).
Management of the Global Land component of GEOLAND, with a role of coordination of EUMETSAT / SAF Land, VITO, ECMWF, JRC/MARS and others.
2004 - 2006, Toulouse, Medias-France, GLOBCOVER Project Manager

Management of the European ESA/GLOBCOVER project of development of a global Land Cover map at 300 m resolution using MERIS data. 

2004 - 2008, Toulouse, Medias-France, VGT4Africa

Participation to the VG4Africa project : provision of satellite land products to African users on EUMETCAST stations. Training of Agrhymet and BMS Botswana.
1993 - 2000, Toulouse, CESBIO, POLDER Land Surface Scientific Leader

Secondment by CNES at CESBIO (“Unité Mixte de Recherche” CNES – CNRS – IRD – Université) : scientific research on the physics of measurements in optical remote sensing ; responsibility for the development of biogeophysical products (albedo, vegetation variables) from the POLDER instrument.
1990 - 1992, Toulouse, CNES, Head, Division "Image Quality"

Management of a 15-staff team specialized in image quality for all types of spaceborne remote sensing sensors, optical and microwave, passive or active, heliosynchronous or geostationary.
1985 - 1989, Toulouse, CNES, CNES engineer

Responsibility for the SPOT family calibration and image quality. Launch of several R&T programs on atmospheric corrections and satellite calibration. Co-invention in 1986 of the POLDER instrument concept.
1982 - 1984, Meudon, Paris Observatory, Observatory Assistant

Research in plasma physics, structure of the Earth’s Bow Shock (continuation).

1980 - 1981, Greenbelt, U. Maryland, Research Assistant

Research in theoretical plasma physics, applied to the study of the structure of the Earth’s Bow Shock.

Membership of professional bodies

  • Chairman, International Symposium on Physical Measurements in Remote Sensing, Aussois, 2001
  • Co-chairman, International Group on CNES Future Space Missions “Terrestrial Environment Monitoring Mission Working Group (TEMMWG)”: 2000-2001 
  • Scientific Committee Member of a number of International Workshops 1994 – 2002


Marc Leroy has provided training on Earth Observation techniques and principles in the period 1988 to 2006, in several places, GDTA (Toulouse), INPE at Saõ José dos Campos, Ecole Supérieure d’Aéronautique, Delft University. He participated to the training sessions for Agryhmet and BMS made in the framework of VGT4Africa. He acted as a professor of Earth observation techniques and applications in the Master “Remote Sensing” of Université Paris VII and Université Paul Sabatier, and the Master « Ocean Atmosphere Environment » of Université Paul Sabatier at Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie.


Marc Leroy is author or co-author of a number of scientific publications published in the period 1980 – 2000: 80 papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, 6 contributions to books, 5 broad public papers, 4 papers of invited conferences, 55 communications published in the proceedings of international conferences. For a complete publication record see . The quotation index of his publications is above 8000. Several publications have been cited 500 to 1000 times (conception of the POLDER space instrument (1994); model of bidirectional surface reflectance (1992); the structure of perpendicular bow shocks in collisionless plasmas (1982)).

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