
To support European-African relationships in space applications development


Who we are

Space4Dev is an individual consultance company started in January 2019 by Marc Leroy, formerly engineer in CNES, the French space agency, where he has spent most of his career.

His motivation to start this activity originates from his experience as a geoinformation service developer at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa from 2009 to 2011, in the framework of a joint European-African programme.

Space4Dev is labelled Copernicus Relay by the European Commission.


Space4Dev brings commercial support to European companies specialized in space applications to develop export activities in Africa. 

Space4Dev brings also support to build or consolidate partnerships between European and African public or private actors in the field of space applications.


Marc Leroy
+33 6 03 94 94 11   
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